Sep 29, 2022
So you want to learn how to handle tough challenges in life, both those you encounter while playing outside and those you find just going about your day-to-day, indoor life and job. But how do you make it happen?
Steve Magness, a world-famous coach, human performance expert and author of the new book Do Hard Thing: Why...
Sep 27, 2022
What happens when you head outside way past your comfort zone into a risky area like staying up after bedtime? You might just see what Amy got to see in the early morning light on Resurrection Pass, Alaska during the Resurrection Pass 100 race. Amy recently presented a version of this story at Trail Tales in Anchorage...
Sep 22, 2022
Dubbed “the real-life most interesting man alive” by The Chive, Ira Edwards isn’t just out there living an active outdoor lifestyle in Alaska, he’s doing so from a wheelchair. After creating a wildly adventurous and outdoor-centric life, Ira was struck by a falling tree about 10 years ago and paralyzed from the...
Sep 20, 2022
Time management can be used to make you more productive -- or it can be used to simply make your life better. Dr. Cassie Holmes, a happiness researcher, author and professor, shared how to make that happen in a recent episode of Humans Outside. But what does that mean on a practical, day-to-day level in Amy’s life? In...
Sep 15, 2022
Authenticity is one of those whole-life emotional skills that makes a big difference. In a world that rewards us for putting our best foot forward every day and presenting that social media ready life, living authentically can be really hard. Learn how to align what’s really going on with you with good boundaries, and...