Nov 24, 2020
Ever made plans for the winter in the summer? All sounds like a good idea when it’s sunny outside. So here we are in November, and it’s time to enjoy the plans we made six months ago.
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Nov 19, 2020
When was the last time you knew exactly what to buy every single person on your holiday shopping list? And that’s why we created this special edition of the Humans Outside podcast, a 2020 holiday gift guide with items picked not just because they make good gifts, but because we really, really like them.
Even better?...
Nov 17, 2020
Amy and her family are under quarantine and battling through COVID-19. But they’re still headed outside every day for at least 20 minutes, and know that doing the same is key to staying safe, sane and getting healthy.
Hear more on this week’s episode of the Humans Outside podcast.
Nov 12, 2020
Do you think of yourself as “outdoorsy?” Nature lovers and “outdoorsy” people aren’t just folks who scale mountains or go on long runs -- despite what the outdoor industry and even this podcast might (accidentally) have you believe. Instead, outdoor users come from all perspectives, backgrounds, sizes, shapes...
Nov 10, 2020
It’s still a weird time of year for weather, as the fall transitions into the winter. In Alaska, that means some rain, some snow and a lot of slushy yuck, Amy’s least favorite kind of weather. So how do you get outside when it’s less than ideal? And what do you wear? Listen to this Outdoor Diary to find out how...