Apr 29, 2021
Before Amy really started to learn how to get outside and long before her 20-minute daily challenge, she discovered the National Parks cancelation stamps program and the club of people that enthusiastically participate.
As Humans Outside celebrates National Parks week we couldn't think of anything better than talking...
Apr 27, 2021
When was the last time you paused to remember why you head outside? In this Outdoor Diary, Amy talks a little about her book project and remembers her “why” behind starting her challenge in 2017 and still getting outside everyday now.
Find full show notes at humansoutside.com
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Apr 22, 2021
You’ve probably been to a few National Parks. You might have even spent some serious time there. But have you actually truly experienced the ones you’ve visited?
That’s the goal of Liz and Dan Pollock, two National Parks enthusiasts based in Ohio. In this episode they talk about what has inspired them to tackle...
Apr 20, 2021
It’s remarkable how a single day of nice weather can impact attitudes -- and Amy is no different. In this episode of the Humans Outside weekly Outdoor Diary, Amy considers the huge impact a swing towards warmer temperatures has had on her. She also updates us on the project to remodel the interior of their 1997 Ford...
Apr 15, 2021
When Linda Mohammad immigrated to the U.S. from Malaysia it was not with the plan of visiting all of the country’s National Parks. But that’s exactly what she did -- at least until the system added another one in late 2020, knocking her away from her goal again, at least temporarily.
Now she’s sharing with us...