Oct 31, 2023
When you love a daily schedule as much as I do, it can feel very risky to just drop what you’re doing and chase a last-minute outdoor adventure. But sometimes that’s just what the weather, conditions or mood calls for. And whether I seize the day or walk by the opportunity is up to me
I want to be someone who lives...
Oct 26, 2023
How can spending time outside change your perspective on self-care? And what if we’ve been thinking about self-care all wrong?
Scott Tatum is a self-care expert and new author who has carved a niche offering followers “friendly reminders” as he works on his own mental health. His new “Friendly Reminders” book...
Oct 24, 2023
Each and every time the weather starts to shift from pleasant and easy to cold, I forget how to get dressed. It’s as if every lesson I've ever learned about layering and getting ready for heading outside when the temperature is below my favorite comfort zone just falls out of my head.
Don’t be me.
Meanwhile, I’m...
Oct 19, 2023
What’s it like to build your life around seizing the outdoors wherever you are, as if you’re there on a clock?
That’s how travel therapists Hailey and TR Jamar aka the Tie Dye Travelers live their lives as they work short-term contracts at spots around the U.S. with the goal of spending every spare...
Oct 17, 2023
With my unexpectedly dangerous and near-disaster Grand Canyon hike two weeks in the rearview, I’ve been surprised by how raw I still feel, especially when it comes to facing discomfort outside near my house.
Is it normal to feel like this after a big scare? And why is it
If you missed the recap of my...