Apr 30, 2024
I do it to myself and over and over again. That feeling of overwhelm sneaks right in, and it’s entirely because of my own poor choices.
(You would think I’d learn my lesson, but I have not.)
So when the going gets crowed, what do I do? I think you’re probably going to guess. But the wild thing is just how much...
Apr 25, 2024
Florence Williams has learned a thing or two about making the most of what you have right outside your door and the tools you already possess to do so. Since Florence, author of “The Nature Fix,” literally wrote the book on how going outside creates positive impacts on our mental health and wellbeing, that’s...
Apr 23, 2024
I used to hear friends talk about the crazy wonderful things
they were spotting outside and wonder how it was I was missing out.
Why didn’t I see that stuff? Were they trying harder? Going places
I didn’t want to go? Getting up in tbe middle of the night to do
And then one day I stumbled upon their secret by...
Apr 16, 2024
When was the last time you thought about the way learning to notice and navigate changing seasons affects how you view your indoor life?
One of the best things about spending a lot of time outdoors is how it prompts you to pause and see how the world is shifting day by day. Are you ready for it? Are you taking it as it...
Apr 11, 2024
Ready for solo adventure? Feeling safe?
Getting out there by yourself can feel like a real safety risk. I absolutely love going out alone, but I know it comes with pros and cons.
But it doesn't mean I don't go. It just means I go empowered.
Nicole Snell, a safety expert and owner of Girls Fight Back who specializes in...