Aug 31, 2023
Aug 29, 2023
It can be tempting to think about getting outside as focused on just naturey-nature. But what about going out around other people? What about the benefits of community events?
Heading outside to experience community can bring a whole host of useful impacts, all based in the glorious space created by the great outdoors....
Aug 22, 2023
What happens when you take the time and intentionality to listen
-- I mean really listen -- outside? So much of our auditory
experiences are about blocking sounds out. But happens
when we flip things around and choose to purposefully let sounds
That’s what I tried to do during a recent week focusing on my sense of...
Aug 17, 2023
Spend enough time outside and you’ll start to notice all of the things growing around you -- and that some of those things look delicious. From greens to berries, to gardening, fishing and evening raising chickens, nature in your backyard can be full of food.
For today’s guest Tamar Haspel, the possibilities of...
Aug 15, 2023
My friend called it the “fall wall” -- that moment where you know without a doubt that the season is changing. (Are you ready for it? I’ll admit that I’m not.)
But it’s here for me in Alaska. And whether the wall is a weather one or a schedule one, dealing with it while maintaining the things that are...