Oct 29, 2020
As a certified forest therapist, Michelle Abbey knows the personal benefits of heading outside. She’s even shared them with us during Humans Outside Season One. But getting into nature isn’t just something she recommends for clients — it’s also a tool she and her husband Derek Abbey use for bettering their...
Oct 27, 2020
Need a little motivation to get out there and follow your own plans and goals? It’s “mission accomplished” time for Amy’s modified, one-mile-per-day marathon, and has some thoughts on goal hitting and never, ever letting someone else tell you what your goals should look like.
Hear all about the importance...
Oct 22, 2020
Toby Israel calls herself a “vagabondess.” Her book of the same title, part personal exploration, part practical guide for female travelers, gives readers are a window into what it’s like to wander the world happy and free.
In this episode of Humans Outside Toby gives us a window into that experience, and...
Oct 20, 2020
Alaska Day is the perfect to contemplate what we love about living in Alaska. When it happens to correspond with the first snowfall of the year? Well, how could we not talk about Alaska Day -- and even sing for you.
Enjoy this episode of the Outdoor Diary and the only time you’ll probably ever hear Amy do this.
Oct 15, 2020
Few careers are as demanding and all encompassing as military service. Your time, where you live, where you’ll be tomorrow and how long you’ll be there are not your own. So how do you prioritize an outdoor-adventure focused life around those things?
The lessons Kathy Beasley learned about that effort over her...