Feb 8, 2024
One of my favorite benefits of spending time outside is how doing so daily has worked to better my relationships, giving me space to grow them in the context of nature.
But did you know nature can also help when a relationship ends -- that it can literally be a part of healing heartbreak? In this Best Of episode we hear from best-selling author Florence Williams about her up close and personal study on that topic.
You might remember Florence from her work on one of her previous books, The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier and More Creative. She joined us to talk about the book in a previous episode of Humans Outside. In her new book Heartbreak (and the immersive audio book) Florence pairs her own experience with the kind of research she’s known for, and in the process lays out a map for using nature to heal from a broken heart.
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Read or listen to Heartbreak by Florence Williams (affiliate link)
Hear Florence Williams’ previous episode on Humans Outside
Listen to Amy and Luke Bushats with Florence on the Outside Magazine podcast
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Some of the Good Stuff:
[4:33] Florence William’s favorite outdoor space
[5:46] All about Florence’s heartbreak
[7:00] The not entirely secret story of Amy’s heartbreak
[8:53] Why heartbreak becomes a book
[12:58] Why she decided to try a nature cure
[17:01] What she tracked for her project
[23:00] Exactly how to heal heartbreak by going outside
[29:00] Can healing happen close to home?
[32:55] Why this is all actually really simple -- but not immediate
[40:05] One surprising thing Florence learned