Jan 20, 2022
One of the things that can hold people -- adults, kids, families
and otherwise -- back from purposefully spending time outside is
the idea that “nature” looks like something other than what is
right outside their front door. If it doesn’t look like a National
Park, does it really count as “nature?”
The truth, of course, is that “nature” is whatever is in the fresh
air right outside your front door. But can you help yourself and
your family see, appreciate and enjoy that, especially when you
think parts of it -- bugs, weather, etc. -- are things you really
don’t like?
Today’s guest Zenovia Stephens has made a mission of helping kids and families get outside near her home in Alabama. Founder of the nonprofit Black Kids Adventures, Zenovia and her family, known as the Black Adventure Crew, work to help Black families get outside while working to increase representation in the outdoor community.
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